R. Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro
Zona Industrial de Bouro - Letra C
4740-010 Esposende, Portugal

Glass Clean Protect
Fast-acting glass cleaner with antistatic properties.
Glass Clean Protect is a concentrated glass cleaner that gives the glass antistatic properties after washing, thus reducing the adhesion of dirt to the glass, and making it easier to remove organic dirt in subsequent cleanings.
This product protects the glass with a non-sticky film, which prevents dirt and scale from impregnating the glass. Glass Clean Protect has an unprecedented formulation that is easy to apply, without leaving stains.

Buidling Glass Facade
Cleaning Facade
Cleaning Glass
This concentrated solution must be diluted in water in order to allow a high profitability. Due to its neutral pH and the fact that it is phosphate and chlorine free, Glass Clean Protect does not affect the aluminum structure or silicone, and is a biodegradable and environmentally friendly product - it does not harm plant or animal life.
Glass Clean Protect was specifically developed for glass facades, saving your cleaning company on washing and labor, due to its concentrated, antistatic properties that reduce the frequency of glass washing and water consumption!
Available Formats
- 5kg drum
- 20kg drum
- 1000kg IBC
It is a glass cleaner that allows easy cleaning of all kinds of dirt. In addition, the GCP solution contains anti-static properties protecting any glass from dirt for a period of time. time.
It cleans all kinds of dirt from glass (dust, rain stains, grease) except limescale.
Washes and removes dirt, with antistatic coating - a high chemical resistance waterproof coating for protection against contaminants.
In addition to being a non-solvent/pH-neutral product - it does not affect metal structures, provides protection for surfaces and reduces water spotting, is biodegradable - it does not harm plant or animal life, and is phosphate and chlorine free - i.e. environmentally friendly, Glass Clean Protect also reduces the frequency of window washing due to its antistatic properties.
Essentially, the main difference between Glass Clean Protect and Industrial Glass Protect is that IGP does not clean, it only imparts hydrophobic properties to glass and non-porous surfaces, while GCP cleans and protects glass.
The antistatic treatment of GCP prevents the accumulation of dust, while the hydrophobic treatment of IGP improves the flow of water on the glass and prevents the accumulation of water spots.
You may need to use cleaning equipment such as sponges, squeegees, scrapers, blades, extension poles, etc. that are compatible with the Glass Clean Protect. It depends on how dirty the glass is.
In case of doubt feel free to reach us.